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  • My background is based on an engineer’s diploma in automation and computer science issued in 2002 by the University Valahia of Targoviste , Romania. In 2009 I defended my Ph.D. thesis in control engineering at Franche-Comté University of Besançon, France and Politechnica University of Bucharest.

  • My current position is a lecturer position at Automation, Computer Science and Electrical Engineering Department, Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Information Technology Faculty from Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania.

  • Research activities carried out during my career are mainly related to:

  • - Modelling, simulation and control of diagnosis and prognosis/ forecasting/ prediction process with adaptive neural networks (fields: maintenance, reliability, diagnosis, prognosis, artificial intelligence).

    - Modelling and simulation with Matlab and LabView of real time process in uncertainties conditions using artificial intelligence techniques (fields: neural networks, fuzzy logic, neuro-fuzzy, possibility theory).

    - Equipments and non conventional automated structures (fields: automated process control, systems theory, real time systems programming).

    - Renewable energy sources, environmental protection and management, energy management, dedicated interactive technologies for prosumer’s decision support.

    - Education in the above expertise areas.

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